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A photo of Akeem, a tutor from Eckerd College


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I'm originally from Denver, Colorado, but I currently reside in St Petersburg, Florida. I moved here in 2010 to obtain my BA at Eckerd College. As of right now I'm a part-time Independent Sales Contractor, and worked mainly in telecommunication sales since obtaining my BA.

An entrepreneurial venture I'm currently pursuing is my web store named Geek Odyssey. Geek Odyssey is a reflection of some of my core interests such as anime, gaming and new tech.

Link To My Store: https://geek-odyssey.myshopify.com/

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Akeem’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Eckerd College - Bachelor in Arts, International Business


DJing, Anime, Movie Watching, Watching Sports

Tutoring Subjects


Business Ethics

College Business

College Economics


High School Economics

International Business


Microsoft Office


Personal Finance

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Technology and Coding

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