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A photo of Nancy, a tutor from Eastern Michigan University


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30 years experience in teaching both art k-12 and all subjects K-8.
Fine artist in both painting, drawing and three dimensional arts.
Ability to communicate and identify the best method of learning a student requires, either by demonstration, verbal explanation or hands on. Will use the ideal method of tutoring to accomplish the highest level of mastery possible for each lesson or activity. Patience is key in my tutoring.

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Nancy’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Eastern Michigan University - Bachelor in Arts, Art Teacher Education

Graduate Degree: Central Michigan University - Non Degree Master, Art Teacher Education


Fine Arts, Landscaping, Interior Designs, Sewing

Tutoring Subjects

ACCUPLACER ESL - Reading Skills



Elementary School

Elementary School Reading


Middle School Reading


Special Education

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Test Prep

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