Certified Tutor
Undergraduate Degree: Tulsa Community College - Current Undergrad, Special Education
I love to sing, act, watch Netflix, hang out with my friends, and to read!
College Level American History
Elementary School
Elementary School Math
Elementary School Reading
Elementary School Writing
High School Chemistry
High School English
High School Geography
High School Level American History
High School World History
Middle School Reading
Middle School Reading Comprehension
Middle School Science
Middle School Writing
Spelling Bee
World History
How can you help a student become an independent learner?
I will help a student become an independent learner by giving them study tools that I have acquired over the years to ensure they are comfortable and know how to learn on their own.
How would you help a student stay motivated?
If a student has difficulty learning a skill or concept, I would use forms of repetition and different styles of teaching to help them understand. I don't necessarily agree with the way students are being taught for a test, and I want to ensure them that just because they fail a test doesn't mean that their life is over.
How do you build a student's confidence in a subject?
I would build a student's confidence in a subject by reviewing the main concepts that he or she already knows, and by reminding them that they came this far. Just because a few things may seem difficult, doesn't mean that they are incorrigible.
How do you evaluate a student's needs?
I evaluate a student's needs by what the student brings to the table as well as their personality. I also prefer input from a parent or a guardian as to the way their child prefers to learn certain subjects, and I will use my best knowledge to tutor them accordingly.
How do you adapt your tutoring to the student's needs?
I adapt my tutoring to a student's needs by changing my lesson plan to help a student learn in a way that works best for them. I don't really agree with educators that say "It's my way or the highway." If a student can work just as hard and achieve the same answer with a different method, they should be praised the same as a student who works with a teacher's preferred methods.
What types of materials do you typically use during a tutoring session?
I typically use materials such as sources that are reliable, such as ".org" and ".edu" sites.
What might you do in a typical first session with a student?
Typically, in the first session with a student, I would work hard to begin a relationship of trust with that student, promising them that I will do my very best to help them succeed. I would begin to familiarize myself with the area in which the student needs the most help with, and I would review what I intend our following sessions to look like as I figure out which methods would be best for that particular student.
How do you help students who are struggling with reading comprehension?
I would help students who are struggling with reading comprehension by going through the passage a sentence at a time, encouraging the student to use a dictionary for words they do not know. Once that has been completed, I would then work to help them piece together the sections until the student can then recite back to me the main idea of the passage.
How would you help a student get excited/engaged with a subject that they are struggling in?
I would help a student to become engaged in a subject they struggle with by attempting to relate it to something that they find interesting. Whether it be sports, video games, music etc. I would do my very best to ensure that what the child is learning can and will relate to their everyday life.
What techniques would you use to be sure that a student understands the material?
Techniques that I would use to ensure that a student understands the material are to make a student recite the main concepts of the lesson back to me, as well as answering or solving a few of the problems on his or her own.