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I attended Brooklyn College for grad school, earning a Master's degree in English Literature. This followed my previous studies at Brunel University in London, which culminated in a Postgraduate Certificate in Contemporary Literature and Culture. I have a Bachelor's degree in Sociology from the University of York in the U.K. and an International Baccalaureate diploma from the Munich International School.

My international education in Germany, Britain, and the United States has prepared me for the exciting challenges and rewards of sharing my bilingual English/German expertise through teaching and tutoring.

I spent two years teaching German in grades 1 5 at the Munich International School. I'm familiar with the philosophies and demands of the IB program, from the students' as well as the teachers' perspective. In addition, I've taught English as a Second Language at an academic summer camp for teenagers in Germany. Currently, I organize and lead a creative writing group for adults with my husband at our home in Brooklyn. Over the course of my professional and academic trajectory, tutoring has supplemented and enriched my experience.

Whether helping a fourth grader with intermediate-level German homework or guiding a high school senior in writing an analytical essay on Flannery O'Connor's short stories, I relish the chance to delve into the given subject matter and inspire enthusiasm and success. My passion is rooted in though not exclusive to languages, literature, and writing. I tutor all levels of English and German, with a preference for literary and creative genres. One-on-one tutoring presents my ideal teaching scenario: it allows me to provide my undivided attention, to tailor my approach to the student's needs, and to become a supportive and compassionate mentor all around. I strive to engage my student through a dynamic and friendly approach, and to make learning effective and fun.

Besides reading and writing, I love live music shows, movies, making photo projects, skiing, the ocean, the night, ice cream, dogs, good company, long conversations, and traveling.

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Viktoria’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: York University - Bachelor in Arts, Sociology

Graduate Degree: CUNY Brooklyn College - Master of Arts, English Literature


Music, travel, books, languages, skiing, movies, animals, good food and conversation.

Tutoring Subjects

10th Grade Reading

10th Grade Writing

11th Grade Reading

11th Grade Writing

12th Grade Reading

12th Grade Writing

1st Grade Reading

1st Grade Writing

2nd Grade Reading

2nd Grade Writing

3rd Grade Reading

3rd Grade Writing

4th Grade Reading

4th Grade Writing

5th Grade Reading

5th Grade Writing

6th Grade Reading

6th Grade Writing

7th Grade Reading

7th Grade Writing

8th Grade Reading

8th Grade Writing

9th Grade Reading

9th Grade Writing

Adult Literacy

American Literature

British Literature

College English

College Essays

College Level American Literature

Comparative Literature

Conversational German

Creative Writing

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


Essay Editing

Expository Writing

Fiction Writing


German 1

German 2

German 3

German 4

High School English

High School Level American Literature

High School Writing


IB Extended Essay

IB Language A: Language and Literature

IB Language A: Language and Literature HL

IB Language A: Language and Literature SL

IB Language A: Literature

IB Language A: Literature HL

IB Language A: Literature SL

IB Language ab initio

IB Language ab initio SL

IB Language B

IB Language B HL

IB Language B SL

IB Literature and Performance

IB Literature and Performance SL

IB Social and Cultural Anthropology

IB Social and Cultural Anthropology HL

IB Social and Cultural Anthropology SL

IB Theory of Knowledge

Introduction to Fiction



Middle School Reading

Middle School Writing


Persuasive Writing


Poetry Writing


Short Novel

Social Sciences



World Literature


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