Award-Winning GRE Test Prep in Jacksonville, FL

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Varsity Tutors can help students who are getting ready to enter graduate or law school by connecting them with reliable Jacksonville GRE preparation options. Whether you are planning to earn a master's degree at Jacksonville University or the University of North Florida or you are applying for the law school of your dreams, Varsity Tutors can help you on your way. Earning your personal best potential score on the GRE could help you get into one of the thousands of universities and colleges across the globe that recognize the GRE.

The GRE is an in-depth exam that has three sections. If you are just starting your GRE preparation process, or you have decided you want to enhance your current study methods, Varsity Tutors can set you up with the help you need. If you enjoy one-on-one attention, we can connect you with a Jacksonville GRE tutor. Or, if you are more interested in a traditional classroom setting, consider a Jacksonville GRE prep course. We can help you find a method that fits into your busy schedule. No matter what type of test prep help you need, we can set you up with the method that will work the best for you.

What can Jacksonville GRE prep help me learn?

The GRE is made up of three main sections, including Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning. You will have three hours and 45 minutes to finish the exam. In most parts of the world, including the United States, it is a computer-based test. Right now, we will take a closer look into each section of the exam so you know what you are up against on test day. We will start with the Analytical Writing section.

The Analytical Writing section consists of two tasks: analyzing an issue and analyzing an argument. You will have half an hour to complete each task. Your skills will be measured in articulating complex ideas clearly and effectively, supporting your ideas with reasons and examples, examining claims using evidence, having a coherent and focused discussion, and your command of written English. Your score will be between 0-6.

Next, we will look at the Verbal Reasoning part of the test. There are two subsections in this part, and each one has 20 questions. You will have one hour to complete this portion of the test and your score will be between 130 and 170. You will need to have strong skills in many areas, including analyzing a passage and reaching conclusions, summarizing passages, understanding the meaning of sentences and individual words, interpreting meaning from text, and more. There are a few types of questions in this section, including reading comprehension, sentence equivalence, and text completion.

Finally, let's look at the Quantitative Reasoning section. You will have one hour and ten minutes to complete two sections of twenty questions. You will earn a score between 130 and 170 for this part of the exam as well. Your skills in basic math, understanding math concepts and using logical reasoning and problem-solving skills will be examined in this section. You will find arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis questions.

What are some benefits of the different types of Jacksonville GRE prep?

Varsity Tutors can help you connect with two of the most effective and efficient types of GRE prep: private tutoring and prep courses. Each type has many benefits, so sometimes students prefer to use sign up for both methods. Now, we will look further into how Jacksonville GRE tutoring sessions or a prep class could make your study time more effective.

If you are interested in a GRE class, we can enroll you in classes that are interactive and meet online. This means you can attend class from anywhere with a stable internet connection. It is easy to find a class that meets your scheduling needs because there are new sessions starting weekly. You can even choose between a two week and a four-week class. Signing up for a Jacksonville GRE prep class gives you the chance to study a set curriculum from an expert instructor who is familiar with the format and contents of the exam.

GRE courses are held in virtual classrooms, but you will still be able to work with other students just as if they were in the room with you. Working on group activities and hearing information from multiple perspectives can help you understand the skills you will need for the GRE. If you decide to enroll in a Jacksonville GRE course, you will also have the chance to work one-on-one with your instructor if you need a little extra help with a concept.

For students who prefer a more personal approach, we can help you connect with a Jacksonville GRE prep tutor. Working with a private mentor allows you to focus on your goals and the concepts that you need the most help with. Your private academic mentor can get to know you and how you learn the best. They can create custom lesson plans that cater to their needs. Your instructor can help you build mathematical skills that are found in the Quantitative Reasoning section, for example. On the other hand, if you have already mastered the Verbal Reasoning part of the exam, you can move on immediately and free up that time for other concepts that challenge you.

Now that I know a little more about the benefits of working with professionals, how can I find GRE review in Jacksonville?

Varsity Tutors would be happy to help you find the type of GRE review that works the best for you. Whether you are looking to stick to a more traditional classroom-style Jacksonville GRE course or you need private sessions with a dedicated GRE tutor, we can set you up with the option that appeals to you the most. Reach out to one of our skilled educational consultants to learn more about both prep options. We are ready to get to know you and help you reach for your academic and professional goals.

Contact us today to connect with a top Jacksonville GRE instructor