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A photo of Samantha, a tutor from Queens University of Charlotte


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Hello! I am a Florida educator that loves helping students find their "a-ha moment." My background is primarily middle school and my specialty is Science. However, I have been moved around in the school system quite a bit and I'm flexible to teach many different contents and age groups.

When I was younger I found that my brain didn't quite learn the same way as others and tests were way more difficult for me. Fortunately, my teachers tutored me after school and I was tutored through local organizations. This helped me identify my personal learning style and how to make education work for me. Every since then I have wanted to be that person for another young and bright child.

I am a book nerd and geek in general. I love biking and spending time outdoors. I believe that everyone has the ability to grow your brain. Let's work together and see what is possible.

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Samantha’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Queens University of Charlotte - Bachelors, Biology, General

Graduate Degree: University of Florida - Masters, Curriculum and Instruction

Test Scores

ACT Composite: 32

ACT Reading: 35

ACT Science: 31

GRE Quantitative: 154

GRE Verbal: 160


Reading, Hand Lettering, Calligraphy, Curriculum Planning, Gardening, Geek/Nerd Shenanigans

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science



Middle School Reading

Middle School Science


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