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If you are working towards becoming PHR certified, consider reaching out to Varsity Tutors to begin Houston PHR certification training. The Professional in Human Resources (PHR) certification is designed to advance your career in the human resources industry. Earning this certification shows that you have expertise in the operational and technical portions of human resource management.

There are an array of benefits to taking a Houston PHR certification course. One major hurdle to preparing for your certification test is fitting study times into your schedule. You may have work or family commitments that take up most of your day. But this shouldn't prevent you from studying as you can attend a Houston PHR certification course completely online. You don't have to spend valuable time commuting to your study sessions because you can attend them from anywhere with access to the internet, such as from your house or from a library or coffee shop.

New class sessions start every month so you're never too far away from one coming available. You also have the option of picking between either two or four-week study session based on your preferences. If you wish to study at a faster pace, a two-week session could be a good option while a four-week session could work better if you wish to work at a slower pace with a reduced workload. Class sessions are offered throughout the day so it should be easy for you to locate one that works for you.

In order to become PHR certified, you will need to pass a certification exam and meet other eligibility requirements. To be eligible for the PHR certification, you need to have a high school diploma and four years of human resources experience, a bachelor's degree from a university like the University of Houston and at least one year of experience, or a master's degree from a college like Rice University and one year of experience. You will need to get recertified every three years which you can do by taking the certification test again. There are several benefits to getting PHR certified such as being able to show that you are committed to people management, gaining respect within the human resources industry, and increasing your marketability as an HR expert.

The PHR certification assessment is administered throughout the year and is administered via computer. You will have approximately 3 hours to finish the entire exam, which contains 150 multiple choice questions and 25 pretest questions. Some of the topics covered on the test include monitoring and promoting legally compliant programs and policies that affect the employee experience during the lifecycle of an employee, contributing to an organization's learning and development activity by providing internal consultation and data, and utilizing information about the organizational environment to reinforce expectations and avoid risk. As there are a wide range of concepts on the PHR certification test, it could be a wise decision to review content in Houston PHR certification training.

Taking a Houston PHR certification class can be beneficial in preparing for your test in a variety of ways. Your instructor can explain key concepts in lecture form. They can mostly give a brief overview, but if there are any topics that are particularly important to know or that your class is having a tough time comprehending, your instructor can go into more detail. They can answer any questions that come up during your class sessions as well. But if you have any questions or concerns that were not addressed in your class session, you can meet with your instructor outside of class to seek further clarification.

While lectures are an important component of reviewing content, a Houston PHR certification class can also incorporate class discussions. Lectures tend to be somewhat rigid in composition which means that they don't leave a lot of room for freedom and flexibility. Class discussions can help with this because they give you a chance to converse with your instructor and classmates. Discussions can allow you to hear a variety of perspective about the material you are learning. You could gain insight into new approaches to studying and the human resources field in general as your classmates may have different viewpoints and experiences than you. Your instructor can still be available to ensure that discussions don't wander too far off track though.

Your instructor can also provide the opportunity to engage in in-class activities. As human resources is by nature something that you do with other people, class activities can be helpful because they give you a chance to practice your skills with others.

Houston PHR certification training can also help you develop test-taking skills. One of the best ways to do this can be by taking regular practice tests because they are related to a variety of skills. Time-management can be an especially valuable skill because it can make the difference in you having enough time to fully answer each question and you scrambling to finish on time. You can calculate how much time you have based on the number of questions and the amount of time you have to finish the exam, but it can be easy to lose track of this in the middle of an exam. If you are not careful, you can get stuck trying to figure out a challenging question and use up way too much of your time. Taking practice tests can give you a better understanding of when you should cut your losses and move on to another question.

It is possible that you could encounter questions that you simply do not know. Your best course of action in such a situation may be to guess. But you do not need to guess at random because your instructor can go over how to look for clues within the question that can assist you in eliminating wrong answers. This could improve your chances of guessing right because you will have fewer options to choose from.

Practice tests can also be used as a diagnostic tool because your instructor can give you feedback on your performance. They can let you know which topics are strengths and which you need to spend more time on so that you know how to best use your study time. Taking a series of practice exams can allow you to track your progress over a period of time.

It is typical for students to feel anxious before taking a test. One reason for this is that you may feel uncertain about what you will encounter on the test and how you will do on exam day. Taking practice tests can help ease some of this anxiety because the more of them you take, the less uncertain and the more comfortable you can feel with the exam. Depending on your performance and the conditions under which you took your practice assessment, you should be able to get a good idea of how you may be able to do on the actual test.

Preparing for your Professional in Human Resources certification test can seem overwhelming at times. But it isn't a challenge you need to face on your own. If you could benefit from some assistance in your preparation process, contact Varsity Tutors to get started with Houston PHR certification training today.

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