Varsity Tutors understands how difficult it is to watch your student struggle with dyslexia, and we want to help you connect with knowledgeable Ann Arbor tutors for students with dyslexia. Dyslexia is a learning difference that makes it difficult for students to read accurately and fluently. Students with dyslexia could also have difficulty with writing, spelling, and math.
Studying with an Ann Arbor tutor for students with dyslexia can help your student work towards mastering the writing and reading skills that are giving them trouble. Dyslexia is common and it can become evident at any age. While it is most often diagnosed in preschool, it may not come to light until a student has difficulty with more advanced skills like grammar and writing. If your student has been diagnosed with dyslexia, working with an Ann Arbor reading tutor can help minimize dyslexia's impact on their schoolwork.
What concepts can an Ann Arbor tutor near me for students with dyslexia cover?
The specific concepts your student's writing tutor can cover depends on a wide range of factors. If your student has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 plan, their personal mentor can use this as a jumping-off point. Ann Arbor tutoring for students with dyslexia can involve general academic support or more specialized reading programs like the Barton Reading and Spelling System or the Wilson Reading System. Working with Ann Arbor tutors for students with dyslexia who have experience in multisensory structured language education (MSLE) allows your student to experience supplemental education that is geared towards dyslexic learners. This additional support can boost in-school learning as well, which can lead to a deeper understanding of the essential reading and writing skills.
Your student's academic mentor can go over concepts related to issues that may not be specifically addressed in an IEP or 504 plan. When your student works with an academic mentor, they can receive highly personalized assistance. No matter what kind of academic challenge your student is facing, the assistance of an Ann Arbor tutor for students with dyslexia can make a big difference.
What are the benefits of connecting with Ann Arbor tutoring for students with dyslexia?
There are a variety of benefits that come along with working with Ann Arbor tutors for students with dyslexia. When your student studies with a personal mentor, he or she can receive the undivided attention of an empathetic instructor who knows how to connect with students who are struggling with the effects of dyslexia. It is pretty common for students with dyslexia to run into problems in class, such as feeling frustrated and anxious about reading and writing. They could also have trouble keeping up with the test of their class. Being able to engage with a dedicated instructor can help students with dyslexia open up about the issues they're facing.
An academic mentor can use structured and direct teaching methods that fit with your student's preferred learning style. They can assist your student with retaining information more effectively. Students who learn better through visual methods could benefit from notecards and diagrams while conversations and lectures could be a better option for auditory learners.
An Ann Arbor tutor for students with dyslexia can be beneficial for parents as well as students. You can learn how to model strategies using multisensory methods like Orton Gillingham, which can help your student grasp letters both figuratively and literally. Online sessions can help you engage with learning techniques so that the learning doesn't have to end when your student's session is over. Each session is recorded so your student can refer back to them whenever they want to practice. From targeted, sequential strategies to illustrating graphic organizers, Ann Arbor tutors for students with dyslexia can share their love of reading with your entire family.
How can I find an Ann Arbor tutor near me for students with dyslexia?
When you reach out to the educational consultants at Varsity Tutors, you can be confident that you'll connect with a personal instructor who has experience working with dyslexic students. Whether you choose online or in-person sessions, your student can work with an instructor who has the skills to match their needs. Finding time to study can represent a significant challenge. You and your child could have a hectic schedule that makes it seem impossible to fit in study time.
But this doesn't have to be the case as the online nature of Ann Arbor tutoring for students with dyslexia makes it easy to connect with a quality instructor. You never have to worry about getting your student to their study sessions because they can meet up with their personal mentor from any location with an Internet connection, such as from your house or from the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library. Your student can connect with their personal mentor over video chat in our Live Learning Platform. They can also collaborate with their instructor on a virtual whiteboard and shared documents.
If your student could use some assistance, contact Varsity Tutors today to get started.