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I am a retired Elementary Education teacher. My career covered many decades. I graduated from William Paterson University in New Jersey. I took courses toward Masters in Learning Disabilities at Fairleigh Dickinson University. I have taught and tutored in New Jersey. Upon moving to Arizona, I continued my career teaching elementary grades. I retired after a number of years in New Jersey and Phoenix, Arizona.

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Sandra’s Qualifications


I have many interest and hobbies. I enjoy the outside. I am an avid speed walker. Riding my bike is another fantastic adventure. I work on family genealogy and pride all DNA results in my family tree. My greatest interest is the Bible. Studying it daily is a must. Healthy eating habits and foods are essential.

Tutoring Subjects

Adult Literacy

Elementary Reading and Phonics Class

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


Learning Differences


Middle School


Special Education


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