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My name is Dan, I'm 24 years old, and I live in Portland, Oregon. I currently work overnight at homeless shelters, and hope to tutor consistently in my spare time. This fall, I will transfer into Reed College to study philosophy as a junior. I have taken the last four years off of school to travel, handle some medical issues, work hard, and do some soul-searching. I enjoy reading and writing, being outside and active, cooking and eating good food, playing guitar, climbing rock and ice, and being alive. I am extremely passionate about learning, and love to get people excited about it as well. I like to say that I teach "maieutically;" which comes from the Greek and means "to midwife, or aid in giving birth," in this sense, to an idea. I prefer to ask the student lots of guiding questions, instead of didactically infusing them with answers. This method results in what I like to call "intellectual exhilaration," in other words, the student is excited because they were able to create something out of themselves, instead of being imbued with the ideas of others something sort of rare for children, teens, and college students at times. I look forward to studying with you!

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Daniel’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Reed College - Current Undergrad, Philosophy

Test Scores

ACT Composite: 33

ACT English: 34

ACT Math: 33

ACT Reading: 31

ACT Science: 35

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1550

SAT Math: 740

SAT Verbal: 750

SAT Writing: 800

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