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I've been helping younger siblings, neighbors, second-classmates-twice-removed, and everyone in between for as long as I could read, which is as long as I can remember. In college, I majored in English and I majorly love the English language. I also spent a whole semester in a workshop on the personal essay, so I would take particular delight in working with you on a college essay, if that's why you are here.

So if you are a student in need of a second set of hands to bail you out of a sinking rhetorical ship -

Or perhaps a parent of a college-essay-less daughter, who is dangling over prepositional cliffs of no return -

Or perhaps a sister at your wit's end, trying to help your younger brothers with their reading comprehension -

Have no fear! I'm here and would be happy to help.

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Grace’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Yale University - Bachelors, English


Future Problem Solving!

Tutoring Subjects

College English

College Essays

Comparative Literature


Essay Editing

French 4

High School English




Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

I draw inspiration from my favorite literary teachers: Miss Honey, of Roald Dahl's "Matilda," P.L. Travers' titular "Mary Poppins," and of course, Maria of "The Sound of Music." Learning can and should be cause for joy!

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