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A photo of Joshua, a tutor from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


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I went to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and earned my BA in History and Psychology with a minor in Leadership Studies. While studying at UIUC, I also tutored at the junior high - introductory college course level in social studies and related subjects are my forte.

As a tutor, I find that its easiest when the student learns in a guided manner, rather than bland memorization or content exposure. With one on one teaching, it is possible to do this effectively and, with effort, will lead to higher absorption of material - and yes, higher grades.

Outside of tutoring, I'm currently a contractor at Scott doing IT work. It keeps me busy but also allows me to use downtime to continue my own education. I'm on track to continue on to earn a secondary education endorsement, and likely won't be stopping there, as I find the technology of education fascinating. I also substitute teach at a few local schools as I'm available, and I'm a pretty avid baseball, soccer, and Formula 1 fan.

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Joshua’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Bachelor in Arts, History and Psychology


Baseball, soccer, Formula 1, video games

Tutoring Subjects

10th Grade Reading

10th Grade Writing

11th Grade Reading

11th Grade Writing

12th Grade Reading

12th Grade Writing

7th Grade Reading

7th Grade Science

7th Grade Writing

8th Grade Reading

8th Grade Science

8th Grade Writing

9th Grade Reading

9th Grade Writing

ACT Reading

Adult Literacy

AP US Government

AP US History

AP World History


College English

College Essays

College Geography

College Level American History

College World History

Comparative Literature


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing


European History



High School Chemistry

High School English

High School Geography

High School Level American History

High School World History

High School Writing




Middle School Reading

Middle School Science

Middle School Writing

Political Science


Public Speaking

Social Studies


Test Prep

US History

World Civilization

World History


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