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A photo of Allison, a tutor from Trinity University


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I am an enthusiastic tutor, and my love of writing is contagious. I recently completed a Fulbright Grant in Kunming, China, where I conducted research on HIV/AIDS policy. Before that, I graduated from Trinity University with a B.A. in Political Science and Mandarin Chinese. As a student at Trinity, I was a peer tutor for an honors course for incoming freshmen. I enjoy working with students on essay writing skills by helping them develop their argument, while focusing on structure and grammar. Writing essays can be a frustrating, daunting experience for some students. It can also be difficult to break out of old formulas and write at the college level. Using my experience with research, persuasive, and expository writing, I help students break down the process into manageable steps. I have always especially enjoyed analysis of literature and politics. I love reading in my spare time, and am excited to hear students' perspectives on literature. I teach tricks to look for and track literary devices, such as color-marking. As a Political Science major, my coursework included courses on the U.S. system, political thought, and international politics. Part of the fun of tutoring is exploring concepts with students through their questions and particular interests. As a Varsity Tutor, I am also excited to share my study tips and tricks. It is hard to keep track of so many classes and projects! An organized workload always seems more manageable, and I am happy to help. Outside of tutoring, you can spot me running on the trail or enjoying some of Austin's awesome live music. Although I have Austin roots, I grew up in Portland, Oregon, and am enjoying being back in the Lone Star State.

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Allison’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Trinity University - Bachelor in Arts, Political Science and Mandarin


Outdoors, Running, Music, Cooking, and Reading

Tutoring Subjects

College English

College Essays

Comparative Literature


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing


High School English



Social Studies

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


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