Award-Winning LSAT Courses & Classes in Tucson, AZ

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If you're planning to apply to a law school like the highly regarded James E. Rogers College of Law at the University of Arizona, you might appreciate the help you can obtain from a Tucson LSAT course offered by Varsity Tutors. The LSAT is required for admission to all American ABA-accredited law schools and Canadian common-law law schools. It's a good idea to do whatever you can to study most effectively.

When you sign up to take an LSAT course, you'll have the opportunity to meet with your instructor and classmates online in a live classroom. Working in a collaborative environment like this has a number of advantages. It has been shown to promote learning and retention of information. You also have easy access to a professional instructor and peers like you. You can get information and suggestions from different perspectives, which can be helpful since there's no "one-size-fits-all" strategy for completing the LSAT successfully.

What content does a Tucson LSAT course cover?

The LSAT consists of four sections, and the entire exam takes just under three hours to complete. The sections are Reading Comprehension, Analytical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, and Writing. All but the Writing section contain multiple-choice questions, and you're provided a tablet at the testing center to answer these questions. The Writing section is done on a separate secure testing platform.

You're given 35 minutes to answer the Reading Comprehension questions. You'll first be presented with long, complex passages and papers that are similar to those you will use in law school. Your aptitude in discerning the purpose of a piece, pulling explicit and inferred ideas from it, assessing the organization and structure, and judging the author's attitude based on the tone used in the piece will be examined. You'll also need to demonstrate how well you can apply the information provided in a different context.

The Analytical Reasoning section also allows you 35 minutes to complete questions wherein you highlight your ability to understanding the structure of various relationships and draw conclusions about the structure. You may receive questions that define part of a set of relationships, and you then determine the solution to the problem using all the information given. You'll make inferences as to what either is true or could be true given information and rules.

The Logical Reasoning section is the most important section of the LSAT. You'll have 70 minutes to finish the logical problems and games presented. You'll see content from magazines and newspapers, scholarly publications, advertisements, and other sources. It's necessary for you to analyze the parts of the arguments and how they fit together and compare patterns of reasoning. Using analogy and other methods of reasoning, you must draw conclusions that are well-supported by using all of the data provided in the resources, including information and rules or principles.

The Writing section isn't scored, but it's important nonetheless. It will be sent to all schools you apply to, and the admissions boards will evaluate it using a number of metrics including clarity, organization, reasoning, and language usage, among others. You'll be presented with a decision problem and have to choose between two courses of action or two positions. Then you must defend your choice using the qualities listed above.

This is the content that will be covered during your Tucson LSAT course. Generally speaking, most applicants spend more time on Logical Reasoning than any other section. Your professional instructor can set the schedule for the class based on the combined needs of all the students, and put the focus for each class session where it can help the most people.

If you find that you're struggling with a certain type of problem or logic game, you can set up individual lessons with a tutor through Varsity Tutors. That individual can give you their entire focus during your tutoring sessions, so you can learn more efficiently and catch up as quickly as possible. At the same time, your tutor can give you as much time as necessary to master certain concepts and you won't need to feel rushed out of concern for holding up the rest of the class.

How can studying in Tucson LSAT classes help me prepare better for the test?

By this time in your educational career, you have almost certainly taken standardized exams, and you know that they're different from regular classroom tests. Did you know they're also each unique and different from other standardized exams? Because of this, spending time during your Tucson LSAT class going over test-taking strategies and conventions can be invaluable.

Time management is obviously an important strategy to use during the exam. There are methods your instructor can use to help you get your pace where it needs to be, including by taking timed practice tests and seeing where you need to speed up while remaining accurate. You can get ideas from your instructor and your classmates, and if you know of a good tip, you can share it with them. There are many test-taking procedures you can work on in your Tucson LSAT class that can be especially beneficial on test day.

Can I get signed up for a Tucson LSAT prep course right away?

Yes, you can. Varsity Tutors has made starting your LSAT class as convenient as possible, even before the registration process. We offer either two- or four-week classes that meet at different times of the day and different days of the week. It's almost certain you can find one to fit into your busy schedule. Meeting online is another convenience, as well as the potential for one-on-one attention when necessary.

Since there are new class sections starting every week, you only need to contact Varsity Tutors, provide a bit of information about your needs and goals, and our educational advisors can set you up with a Tucson LSAT course that meets your needs. We're excited to hear from you and get you on the path to earning the future you dream of. Call today to get started on your LSAT studies!

Contact us today to connect with a top Tucson LSAT instructor