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A photo of Amanda, a tutor from Hobart William Smith Colleges


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I am a former practicing lawyer who now works as a Career Counselor at a top-50 law school. My law degree is from Cornell, and I studied political science and history at Hobart and William Smith Colleges for my B.A. I also have a degree in Higher Education administration. My experience allows me to really help high school, college, and law students - not only have I been there, but I've done the research as well. I can help you achieve your goals and also frame your goals. While I tutor a wide variety of subjects, I am most passionate about English, Law, History and Politics. I see students learn a lot when we work on writing and study skills as well as the reading comprehension and analytical reasoning portions of the LSAT.

I always take an individualized approach with everyone I work with. This means we work to figure out what works best for you, since everyone has different learning styles. I'm very motivated, but have a great sense of humor - and if we're working over the Internet, there may be guest appearances by my dachshund, Boo Boo.

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Amanda’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Hobart William Smith Colleges - Bachelors, Political Science and Government

Graduate Degree: Cornell University - PHD, Law/J.D.


Swimming, writing fiction, huge ice hockey fan.

Tutoring Subjects

Administrative Law

AP U.S. Government & Politics

AP United States History

Civil Procedure

College English

College Essays

Constitutional Law

Contract Law

Criminal Law

MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills


Essay Editing

European History

Expository Writing


Graduate Test Prep

GRE Analytical Writing

High School English


Homework Support


Intellectual Property Law


Legal Research

Legal Writing


LSAT Analytical Reasoning

LSAT Argumentative Writing

LSAT Logical Reasoning

LSAT Reading Comprehension


Persuasive Writing

Political Science

Property Law


Social Sciences

Social Studies

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Tort Law

US Constitutional History

US History


Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

Every student learns differently, so being an effective teacher means learning what approach is going to work best for them. I'm also very encouraging and motivational and work together with students to help them achieve and define their goals.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

I like to establish what the student's goals are, and ask them about what they feel they have been having the most difficulty with. I also like to discuss how we will work together and what each of our expectations are for our sessions.

How can you help a student become an independent learner?

There are a lot of strategies to help a student learn, but primarily I think improving reading comprehension is critical. Learning to read quickly and digest a lot of information often helps them focus on application.

How would you help a student stay motivated?

Two things are important - encouragement and recognizing when we might need to take a quick break or move to something different. No one learns well when they are frustrated or burnt out!

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