Award-Winning SSAT Test Prep in Spokane, WA

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If you are looking for professional Spokane SSAT prep for your child, reach out to Varsity Tutors. The SSAT is an important test for students applying to private or independent schools. It is a standardized test that helps admission boards make an unbiased assessment of your student's skills and knowledge.

The Secondary School Admissions Test, or SSAT, has a few different levels. The Elementary Level is administered to students going into the fourth or fifth grade, the Middle Level is administered to students going into the sixth, seventh, or eighth grade, and the Upper Level is administered to students going into high school grades. Regardless of which level of the SSAT your student needs to take, professional SSAT preparation can help them out.

What will be covered on the SSAT?

The SSAT will have a few sections. These are the Reading, Verbal, Quantitative, and Experimental sections. There will also be a Writing sample. On the Middle Level and the Upper Level of the SSAT, the Quantitative section will be split into two, with 25 questions on each Quantitative section.

Each section will have a time limit. Total testing time will be one hour and 50 minutes for the Elementary Level and two hours and 50 minutes for the Middle Level and the Upper Level.

Most sections will have a score. The Experimental section will not be scored. The Writing sample will also not be scored. However, a copy of the essay will be sent to the schools that the student is applying to.

Here's a brief breakdown of the concepts that will be covered on each section, starting with the Elementary Level. The Quantitative section will cover topics such as basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as more advanced topics such as fractions and graph interpretation. The Writing Sample will include a picture prompt, and the student will have to organize an essay that includes a beginning, middle, and end. The Reading section will test the student's reading comprehension skills and will cover concepts such as the literal and nonliteral meaning of words, identifying the main idea in a passage, and figuring out what specific words mean in the context they are presented in. The Verbal section will test the student on skills such as understanding word relationships and nuances in word meanings.

The Middle Level of the SSAT will be more advanced. In the Writing sample, the student will be presented with two prompts and will have to choose one and write an essay based on it. The Quantitative sections will cover topics such as algebra, data analysis, coordinate geometry, and probability. The Reading section will test the students on skills such as determining an author's purpose and attitude, understanding and evaluating arguments, and making inferences. The Verbal section will cover topics such as synonyms and analogies, word roots, and prefixes and suffixes.

In the Advanced Level, the Writing sample will test the student on concepts such as persuasive writing techniques and their ability to support a statement with examples. The Quantitative sections will cover topics such as line equations, polygons, triangles, and fractions. The Reading section will cover concepts such as the humanities and the social sciences and will test the student on skills such as extracting information from narratives and determining the main idea of a passage. The Verbal section will cover topics such as antonyms and Anglo-Saxon, Greek, and Latin prefixes and suffixes.

What kind of Spokane SSAT prep can I get for my child?

Fortunately, there are a few options when it comes to helping your child prepare for the SSAT. One option is enrolling your student in a Spokane SSAT prep course. You can choose from a two-week course or a four-week course.

Enrolling your student in a Spokane SSAT prep class will give them the opportunity to review the information they need to know for the SSAT from the comfort of their home. These classes take place over the internet and are administered by professional educators. The instructor can engage the class in helpful dialogue. Interacting with other students can give your child the opportunity to bring up topics that they are having difficulty understanding so that they can discuss them with other students.

The instructor can also give the class helpful test-taking advice. For example, on the Elementary Level of the SSAT, having an incorrect answer won't bring you any penalties. Therefore, the instructor can advise students to take their best guess if they do not know the answer to a question. The student can always come back to the question at a later time. On the other hand, on the Middle Level and the Upper Level of the SSAT, students will receive a penalty for an incorrect answer.

Another option is connecting with a private Spokane SSAT tutor for your student. A private tutor can study with your child at their own pace without any pressures or distractions from other students. Your child will have the opportunity to ask their private instructor as many questions as they want. There won't be any time limits because you can schedule additional mentoring sessions if your student is not yet ready for the test.

A private instructor can come to you, giving you flexibility and convenience. They can also come to understand your student's particular learning style and adjust their mentoring sessions accordingly.

Yet another option is enrolling your student in a prep course and getting them private mentoring at the same time. This will give your student the best of both worlds.

Where can I find professional Spokane SSAT prep?

Reach out to Varsity Tutors if you are looking for professional Spokane SSAT preparation for your child. We can get your student enrolled in the next class. There are new classes starting every week, so there won't be a long wait. We can also connect you with a private instructor who can give your student individualized attention during one-on-one learning sessions. Regardless of your child's current level of readiness for the test, we can help.

Contact us today to connect with a top Spokane SSAT instructor