I have total of 18 years plus experience in accounting and auditing; having worked with prestigious universities and large size companies across the globe; which constitutes 8 years of studying and ten years plus on field audit an accounting experience focusing on indebt accounts reconciliations financial reporting and facilitating audits. Want to meet your personal and financial goals with on fields auditing and accounting? Well, choose me, stick with me, let's smile and brainstorm together. No long talks dear one. Just ask my other students from far and all wide areas.
I am fun and loveable. And tome teaching a coaching is a personal preferred passion, a gifted handicraft. I have thought of people in just one sitting who will strive to pass the most difficult exams in accounting, lawyers and doctors inclusive who took a either a college course in accounting as an optional or compulsory top up. If you find yourself here, Trust me you just need the basics and foundation, and I got you. And if you got to have more, Still I got you. Again, as I said I am the medical accounting tutor, and I got you. Trust me if you don't trust your doctor and trust me even better if you do trust your doctor. I solve your problems, interests, doubts and worries in one day at just one and only one sitting. I practice value for money. When you come again it's so you can laugh and give a tip. An excellent coach I will be, truth this like you trust the ABC.
Personally, I would do well to make the best or least out of every siltation as an opportunity met presents itself. I also strive to be the best of myself that I would be and to help others be themselves same. My utmost passion is to see a world that grows better everyday today and tomorrow than it was yesterday, and today tomorrow. That is why I am inclined to help foster champions in the younger generation and even better champions in the older. Everyday I strive to be the best I can and live every day one day at a time, I cherish every moment, and I have self-respect for all people. As selfless as a CAT. Selfless enough to steal your meat. I mean your attention to audit and financial reporting and accounting.
I foster mutual respect, and this known mutual respect is of importance but not necessary when it comes to you. I don't mind waiting !!! that' a song anyway. Count on me to give it to you as always. I will be your champion tutor and you my champion hero every day, every step every subject any day at a time and every step of the way.
Thanks, and see you soon and shortly. Remember NO LONG TALKS You can get the ball rolling.
Areas of accoutnig studies and more over the years includes;
Areas of study
Business Management, Investment
Fundamentals, Retailing, Accounting, Marketing, Business Mathematics, Elements of economics,
Commercial Law, Business Law, Contract Law, Theories of Psychology, Sociology and Linguistics,
Company Law, Quantitative Methods, Computer application in business, Managerial Economics, Research
Methods, Taxation, Cost and Management Accounting, Financial Markets, Public Finance, Business Finance,
Language Proficiency, Business Policy, Public Sector Accounting, Fundamentals of Financial Markets,
Structure of English Words, Psychology of everyday living, Diversity of Cultures and People, Public Administration, Business Ethics, Fundamentals of Insurance, Banking and Finance. With a major in accounting and a further 9 years practice in auditing and financial accounting. Practice accounting and auditing in oil and gas and consumer / industrial markets.