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A photo of Daniel, a tutor from University of Utah


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I love learning, but more I enjoy the learning process for students and myself. when students ask questions I discover new ways of explaining the material but also find additional areas to research. I believe learning is a mutually beneficial undertaking.

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Daniel’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: University of Utah - Master of Science, Educational, Instructional, and Curriculum Supervision


Reading and research top my list of mental exercises. I participate in Pointing dog Field Trials. Ride Horses Watercolor Painting

Tutoring Subjects


Agricultural Science

AP Art History

Art History


CLEP American Government

CLEP Humanities

College Application Essays

College English


Essay Editing

Expository Writing

Graduate Test Prep

GRE Analytical Writing

High School English

High School Level American Literature

High School World History


IB Extended Essay

IB Social and Cultural Anthropology

IB Theory of Knowledge


Middle School English


Philosophical Ethics



Social Sciences

Social Studies

Test Prep

World Civilization

World Literature

World Religions


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