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A photo of Jacob, a tutor from University of La Verne


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I've always been a competitive individual. The sense of accomplishment I feel when I push myself is a huge part of why I was able to make it through the difficulty of college. As a collegiate athlete and aspiring Biology graduate, I knew if I didn't put in the time, I wouldn't reach my goals. The long arduous journey I went through may have been much more difficult if I didn't have professor's and coaches to aid me.
I attended the University of La Verne thanks to a Track and field scholarship, but I also attended with the intention of graduated with a Biology Pre-Med degree. I had full intention to commit to both these parts of my life despite the sometimes overwhelming difficulty. Sometimes practice would leave me too exhausted to study some nights. Sometimes classes overlapped with my practices. The cycle never ended during my 4 years at the university, but I like many facing difficulty, I adapted.

Having understanding coaches allowed me to practice at later by myself in order to attend classes. Having understanding professors allowed me to turn in assignments earlier or later than the due dates because I wouldn't be able to attend class as I would be at a competition. I learned that having understanding and empathetic mentors was just as critical as having those that could pass their knowledge on. My coaches still pushed my body to grow stronger and my professors pushed my mind to grow smarter, but through their actions, what I felt was overwhelming at times became doable.

After obtaining my degree, I wanted someway to give back what was given to me, so that others could know that difficult is not impossible and that through time and effort, overwhelming becomes doable. During track season, I coach high school athletes trying to improve themselves. Through Varsity Tutors I can help those improve academically. I want to give the same support and understanding that was given to me in my times of difficulty.

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Jacob’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of La Verne - Bachelor of Science, Biology, General

Test Scores

ACT Math: 34


I'm a Track and Field nut. I love playing my guitar with my bands. And I'm an aspiring Pokemon Master.

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