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A photo of Manuelita, a tutor from Inter American University of Puerto Rico-San German


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I have been working as a bilingual teacher in a variety of setting in San Antonio, Texas. Through these experiences I have gained the skills necessary to work with children from different and educational backgrounds.

I like to use a range of strategies to meet my student's needs. I teach using real life activities that show the students that science and math are interesting, active and necessary to be successful in our everyday life. I also use many hands on activities, concrete objects as well as heterogeneous, cooperatives groups, learning centers and technology( such as power point presentations) to emphasize or educate children about a concept.
My passion is people! I love learning about other cultures and traveling, visiting family and trying new and different foods!

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Manuelita’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Inter American University of Puerto Rico-San German - Bachelor of Education, Education


love learning about other cultures and traveling, visiting family and trying new and different foods

Tutoring Subjects

Conversational Spanish

Elementary School Math




Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

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