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A photo of Sarah, a tutor from Texas State University-San Marcos


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My current career path as a future educator can all be traced back to a moment that, at the time, I had not given much thought to. As a sophomore I was stopped in the hallway by a teacher I had never met before; he went on and on about how a few of my teachers had come to him and told him that I needed to be a part of his program. I immediately began to panic. Was I not doing well in my classes? He then explained that he ran a peer tutoring program through the school that matches students selected by the staff with other students who needed a little extra help. I had often answered my peers' questions in class as we worked and thought nothing of it, but apparently all my teachers had noticed. These teachers all saw something that I could not yet see for myself. Five years later and I am about to graduate from Texas State University as a Special Education teacher. I have had several years of experience working with high school students in areas of algebra, geometry, English, Reading and Science, as well as working with special populations. I believe every student, no matter what their challenge, deserves the right to the best educational experience possible.

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Sarah’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Texas State University-San Marcos - Bachelors, Special Education (all levels)


Reading, Mountian/trail biking, Hiking, weight lifting

Tutoring Subjects

2nd Grade

ACT Prep

Elementary School

Elementary School Reading




Middle School Math



SAT Prep

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