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A photo of Jason, a tutor from Durham University (UK)


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I am currently studying towards my graduate degree at Columbia University. I've received my BA in philosophy from Durham University in England. Throughout my studies I have developed extensive logical and reasoning skills that I believe were key to my academic success, and skills which I believe anyone can acquire with proper instruction. This combined with my familiarity with the GRE means I can help you achieve the result you wish. My way of teaching focuses on understanding instead of rote memorization and that each pupil is best suited for a tailored teaching plan that takes into account your current abilities, time commitments, strengths/weaknesses, and desired result.
My hobbies and interests include reading (literature), creative writing, calligraphy, and video games. I grew up in bilingual household, so I can also speak Mandarin in a near-native level and studied and travelled extensively in Europe and Asia. I hope to be a writer someday, and I would describe myself as laid-back, easy going and multicultural.

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Jason’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Durham University (UK) - Bachelor in Arts, Philosophy

Graduate Degree: Columbia University in the City of New York - Master of Arts, Philosophy

Test Scores

GRE: 334

GRE Quantitative: 164

GRE Verbal: 170


Reading/Writing/Video Games/Movies

Tutoring Subjects

10th Grade Reading

10th Grade Writing

11th Grade Reading

11th Grade Writing

12th Grade Reading

12th Grade Writing

1st Grade

1st Grade Math

1st Grade Reading

1st Grade Writing

2nd Grade

2nd Grade Math

2nd Grade Reading

2nd Grade Writing

3rd Grade

3rd Grade Math

3rd Grade Reading

3rd Grade Science

3rd Grade Writing

4th Grade

4th Grade Math

4th Grade Reading

4th Grade Writing

5th Grade

5th Grade Math

5th Grade Reading

5th Grade Writing

6th Grade

6th Grade Reading

6th Grade Writing

7th Grade

7th Grade Reading

7th Grade Writing

8th Grade

8th Grade Reading

8th Grade Writing

9th Grade Reading

9th Grade Writing

Adult Literacy

Ancient and Medieval Heritage

AP Chinese

AP Chinese Language and Culture

AP Human Geography




British Literature



College Business

College English

College World History

Comparative Literature

Conversational Mandarin

Elementary Algebra

Elementary Math

Elementary School

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing



Graduate Test Prep

GRE Analytical Writing

GRE Verbal


High School Business

High School English

High School World History

High School Writing

History of Science

Human Geography

IB Biology

IB Biology HL

IB Biology SL

IB Business & Management

IB Business & Management HL

IB Business & Management SL

IB Geography

IB Geography HL

IB Geography SL

IB History

IB History HL

IB History SL

IB Language A: Literature

IB Language A: Literature HL

IB Language A: Literature SL

IB Mathematical Studies SL

IB Mathematics HL

IB Mathematics SL

IB Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches

IB Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation

IB Philosophy

IB Philosophy HL

IB Philosophy SL

IB Psychology

IB Psychology HL

IB Psychology SL

IB Theory of Knowledge

IB World Religions

IB World Religions SL




Mandarin Chinese

Mandarin Chinese 1

Mandarin Chinese 2

Mandarin Chinese 3

Mandarin Chinese 4

Medieval Literature

Middle School

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Writing

Operating Systems




SAT Subject Test in Chinese with Listening

SAT Subject Test in World History

SAT Subject Tests Prep

Social Sciences

Social Studies



Technology and Coding

Test Prep

The Modern World


World Civilization

World History

World Religions

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