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A photo of Taylor, a tutor from Arizona State University


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Native Wisconsinite; I traveled around the country for school, but I had to come back home eventually. (Most Arizonans don't know what a cheese curd is.) I love learning about anything and everything, but my greatest passion lies somewhere between math, computer science, and linguistics. I've enjoyed helping and tutoring others since I was young -- probably influenced by my family of teachers. I find there is an important creative aspect to most academic subjects that often gets overlooked, especially in math. I try to incorporate this into my tutoring because it really seems to help people connect with the concepts. In my free time I enjoy making things and exploring what others have made, whether in music, programming, writing, games, or art.

I received my BA in Mathematics from Arizona State University, and subsequently attended post-bac programs at a handful of schools. This fall I begin graduate studies at UWM.

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Taylor’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Arizona State University - Bachelor in Arts, Mathematics

Test Scores

ACT Composite: 35

ACT English: 34

ACT Math: 36

ACT Reading: 36

ACT Science: 35

GRE Quantitative: 166

GRE Verbal: 163


Music, writing, linguistics, multimedia art, sustainability and the environment, nighttime capture-the-flag, board and card games, cooking, photography...

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