Award-Winning Bar Exam Test Prep in Pittsburgh, PA

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A Pittsburgh bar exam preparation tool, found with the assistance of Varsity Tutors, can help you study for your upcoming test. Passing the bar exam is one of the most important steps that you'll take towards becoming a licensed attorney. However, the test is challenging to study for without any guidance. Signing up for a Pittsburgh bar exam prep service provides the chance to learn from an expert as you get ready for your bar exam. If you're interested in taking a course or working with a tutor, then the quickest way to get started is by contacting us today. Or, you can continue reading to find out more about how we can help you study for the bar exam.

What content is covered in Pittsburgh bar exam prep?

The bar exam preparation offerings that you can find with the help of Varsity Tutors will closely mirror the content on your upcoming test. There are several different tests that make up the bar exam. The specific tests that you have to take vary depending on the state that you want to practice law in. If you recently finished at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law or Duquesne University School of Law, then you may want to practice law in the state of Pennsylvania. If so, you'll need to pass both the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) and the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE).

The MPRE is made up of sixty multiple-choice questions and has a two-hour time limit. Its purpose is to assess how well you understand the laws that govern the conduct of lawyers and judges. To that end, you'll be asked questions on things like client confidentiality, conflicts of interest, and the regulation of the legal profession, among other things. Comparatively, the MBE focuses on many of the core legal subject areas that you studied in law school. Here, you'll be tasked with answering questions on topics like torts, civil procedure, and constitutional law, among others. Both courses and private tutoring can help you learn more about all of these topics.

What can I get out of Pittsburgh bar exam prep?

The specific benefits that you get out of your preparation service will depend on the option that you sign up for. You could, for instance, decide to work with a Pittsburgh bar exam tutor. This is a popular choice because it gives test takers the opportunity to study with an expert on the bar exam's content in a one-on-one setting. Your instructor can offer you personalized assistance as you work through the most challenging content on the bar exam. You can focus on each topic as much or as little as you need to and can ask for additional guidance whenever you need it. This creates a learning environment that is customized with your academic growth in mind.

The other option that you have is to enroll in a Pittsburgh bar exam prep class. This may be right for you if you enjoy online learning. Classes take place on a powerful virtual learning platform that connects you directly with an experienced teacher. Your instructor will teach you and a group of your peers through a series of live lectures, which you can participate in by asking questions. You can also listen to the questions that your classmates ask, which may help you think about the material you're studying in new and helpful ways. If you struggle to fully understand some of the topics covered in your class, you can even sign up to work individually with your educator to get extra assistance.

Whether you prefer to take a Pittsburgh bar exam prep course or work with a private educator, we can help you find a learning plan that fits your scheduling needs, as well. Courses meet at various times throughout the week, which means that you can find one that you're able to participate in without having to make too many sacrifices elsewhere in your life. Private instruction is also flexible enough to fit into almost anyone's schedule.

How can I get started?

The easiest way to begin a Pittsburgh bar exam prep service is to contact Varsity Tutors today. We'll help you identify and sign up for a learning plan that meets both your academic and scheduling needs. We'd love to help you pursue your bar exam goals and hope to start working with you soon. Taking a course or working with a private instructor could be just what you need to take your understanding of the bar exam's content to the next level.

Contact us today to connect with a top Pittsburgh Bar Exam instructor