Award-Winning USMLE Test Prep in Phoenix, AZ

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Students who are preparing to take the USMLE may be interested in reaching out to Varsity Tutors to sign up for Phoenix USMLE prep. The USMLE, or the United States Medical Licensing Exam, is taken by students who want to become licensed as a medical professional in the United States. The USMLE covers a wide range of subject material that you have learned throughout medical school. With the amount of information you need to know for the exam, it can be helpful to sign up for Phoenix USMLE prep so that you can get a comprehensive review of the subject material. Students attending the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix could benefit from getting some extra assistance from a quality instructor who can help them work towards their goals.

What concepts will be covered during Phoenix USMLE prep?

The USMLE is broken down into three separate exams, which include Steps 1, 2, and 3. Step 1 is typically taken by the end of year 2, Step 2 is usually taken by the end of year four, and Step 3 is taken after a student graduates from medical school.

Step 1 consists of 280 multiple choice questions and goes over the science concepts involved in practicing medicine effectively. Step 2 is broken down into two sections, including a Clinical Skills section and a Clinical Knowledge section. The Clinical Knowledge section has 316 multiple choice questions and the Clinical Skills section requires students to meet with 12 patients. The Clinical Skills section tests your proficiency in spoken English and interpersonal and communication skills. Finally, the Step 3 exam is broken down into two different days, with students answering 233 multiple choice questions on day one and 180 multiple choice questions on day 2.

What are the perks of the two different types of Phoenix USMLE prep?

As you begin your Phoenix USMLE preparation, you can choose between two different types, including a Phoenix USMLE prep course and private instruction. While each type has its benefits, most students discover that they prefer one of the options as it relates better to their learning style. But there are students who decide to sign up for both types to get a more comprehensive review before their test. No matter which type you decide on, you can feel confident that you will work with an instructor who can help you prepare for the exam.

Students who feel more comfortable working in a group setting may want to enroll in a Phoenix USMLE prep class. USMLE classes are designed to be similar to a traditional classroom setting. You can study with both an instructor and other students. Your instructor can help you review material like the endocrine system and then give you a chance to engage in class activities and discussions with your classmates. This can be helpful because the Clinical Skills section involves interacting with patients. You can practice these skills by communicating with your fellow students and having them play the role of a patient. If there are any topics you go over in class that you don't quite understand, you can reach out to your instructor after class to get answers to any lingering questions.

If you prefer studying in an environment that is more individualized, you may wish to connect with a Phoenix USMLE tutor. Studying with a private instructor can give you a bit more control in terms of what topics you go over. For example, if you are having a difficult time memorizing the parts of the cardiovascular system, you can spend most of your study session going over that topic while not spending as much time reviewing the systems you already know. Working with a private instructor can also be valuable because they can adapt the way they teach to fit with your learning style. Whether you are a visual, auditory, or physical learner, your instructor can design activities to take advantage of your strengths.

How can I get set up with Phoenix USMLE prep?

Whether you decide on taking a class or to connect with a private tutor, you can find a prep experience that works for you. Phoenix USMLE prep offers flexible scheduling and it can take place completely online. As such, you never have to worry about getting to your class or tutoring session because you can simply take it at your house or at any other location where you have a stable internet connection. If you believe you could benefit from signing up for Phoenix USMLE prep, don't hesitate to contact Varsity Tutors today.

Contact us today to connect with a top Phoenix USMLE instructor