Award-Winning USMLE Courses & Classes in Cleveland, OH

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If you're looking for help preparing for the USMLE, Varsity Tutors can enroll you in a comprehensive Cleveland USMLE prep course today. USMLE is an acronym for the United States Medical Licensing Examination, a series of three cumulative tests designed to test you on everything you learned at a local med school such as Case Western Reserve School of Medicine or another educational institution. Most American medical licensure authorities require you to pass all three "Steps" of the USMLE within a seven-year period to start practicing medicine, so it's important to put your best foot forward on each one. Thankfully, we can make studying for these tests a little bit easier. Keep reading to find out more.

What can I go over in a Cleveland USMLE course?

Since every Step of the USMLE covers different material, the specific test you're preparing for determines what you'll review. For instance, Part 1 of the USMLE is a multiple-choice test assessing whether you have the foundational scientific knowledge to advance in your medical education. You can review these concepts in a Cleveland USMLE class to help you feel more prepared on exam day. Similarly, your instructor can show you test-taking strategies to maintain your concentration for a seven-hour exam.

If you're preparing for Step 2, you're actually studying for two tests: Clinical Skills and Clinical Knowledge. Clinical Skills is a practical test assessing whether you have the communication skills to perform the duties expected of a physician. You need to communicate with patients in a controlled setting, giving the exam's proctors a sense of your bedside manner. When you're finished, you need to compose a "patient note" to share your conclusions with your colleagues. If you could more effectively express your opinions in writing, your instructor can demonstrate how to sketch out a quick outline to make idea synthesis easier. The Clinical Knowledge exam is comparable to Step 1, except it's eight hours long.

Step 3 is a test that's administered over two days. Day 1 is a six-hour multiple-choice exam with questions about medical specialties such as pediatrics and dermatology. That would be challenging on its own, but Day 2 brings more multiple-choice questions, plus 13 computer-based case simulations to evaluate your performance in a clinical setting. These simulations can feel daunting the first time you work with them, so your instructor may provide samples for you to practice with before your exam.

What are a few of the benefits of taking a Cleveland USMLE course?

Every Cleveland USMLE class we offer takes place on our proprietary Live Learning Platform, an online classroom that uses powerful features such as video chat functionality and a virtual whiteboard to let you see and hear your instructor as if you were in the same room. Nobody likes sitting in traffic trying to get to a class on time, so we've removed that headache from standardized test prep.

You can also communicate with your peers on our platform, allowing you to work together to develop a deeper understanding of USMLE concepts. If you're unsure of what to do on a case simulation, something somebody else says may serve as a jolt of inspiration. If one of your new friends has a hard time interpreting dense medical literature, you can show them some of the active reading techniques you use to digest the information. A classroom also lends a natural structure to your studies, making it easier to stay on task instead of getting distracted.

Studying in a classroom setting gives you great value for your money, as you get expert test prep assistance without absorbing all of the associated costs yourself. If you ever need extra help, you also have the ability to arrange one-on-one time with your knowledgeable instructor to go over anything again. Every instructor is thoroughly vetted by Varsity Tutors, so you can trust that any questions you ask will receive an accurate response.

We also strive to make all of our classes as convenient as possible. We offer multiple classes concurrently, including two-week and four-week options to make it easier to find something you can commit to attending regularly. Furthermore, new classes start monthly so that you never need to wait too long before getting started.

Can I get signed up for a Cleveland USMLE class today?

Sure. Just use the contact info on this page to speak with a friendly Educational Consultant who can help you find a Cleveland USMLE course that suits your academic and scheduling needs. Varsity Tutors looks forward to playing our part in your pursuit of professional success!

Contact us today to connect with a top Cleveland USMLE instructor