Exhausted, my legs swollen, sweating during my training as a doctor. My legs were giving out a bit during long hours of surgery. It did not bother, because of the immense feeling of gratification that comes with applying my complex knowledge to comfort, heal, and help others. It is through these experiences, feel alive, refreshed, and invigorated despite long working hours. I am reliable and trustworthy, always ready to work as long as it takes to get the work done. I volunteered at Hennepin county medical center, did observerships under renowned doctors. I got a job as a clinical research associate in clinical anesthesia and cardiothoracic surgery with multiple publications. I have always been passionate about being a surgeon. When I started my residency preliminary in general surgery, it was hectic because I was expected to be at 2 or 3 places at one particular time or do 2 or 3 things at one point. In the beginning, I felt, how was it even humanly possible? Weeks later, I learned that it was possible with patience, prioritizing, time management, and strategizing everything we do, be it the studies or the work.
Every experience has taught me the skills I need, to listen and be able to hear even when the other person is silent, hesitant, or shy, I learned to be patient when things don't go the way I would want when it comes to certain medical situations or learning/reading about a medical condition but at the same time taught me perseverance, persistence, and motivation to find other ways to improve. I would use the same technique in teaching. If one method does not work, not to get depressed or upset but explore different approaches. I have always felt joyful in sharing my knowledge, whether it is healing a patient or teaching a rising student or a fellow student. I felt the field's necessary traits were more organic to my personality. I believe that learning has to be more visual, fun, and like storytelling. Many of us still remember our favorite movie/book and how the main lead had kicked so many bad guys. Yes, we have to learn and make every subject into our favorite movies/stories. I am here to help you with that.