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Award-Winning ASCP Board of Certification - American Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Certification Certification Training in Virginia Beach, VA

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Varsity Tutors is a powerful educational resource that provides Virginia Beach ASCP certification course offerings to students interested in doing everything they can to prepare for their exam. The American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP for short) offers over 20 different certifications to help medical laboratory technicians prove what skills they possess. Each certification has unique groups of prerequisites called "Routes" that determine whether you're eligible to take a particular test. Sample requirements include earning a degree from a college such as Norfolk State University or Old Dominion University, meeting a minimum amount of work experience, and having undergone specialized training. When you're ready to take the test, let us help you pursue your full potential.

We provide separate Virginia Beach ASCP certification training options for every certification available, allowing you to invest in test prep that concentrates on the specific exam you're taking. For instance, let's say that you're looking for assistance with the Histotechnician (HT) exam. Your instructor can review concepts such as how to stain tissues, calculate the content of molar solutions, and the safe disposal of laboratory waste. If you're preparing for the Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) test, you can instead focus on topics like the proper storage of blood samples and microbiology. Either way, your instructor will be a helpful resource capable of answering any questions you may have.

Many students also find it beneficial to incorporate sample test items into their Virginia Beach ASCP certification training to give them a sense of what the actual test is like. For instance, all ASCP assessments utilize CAT, or Computer Adaptive Testing, that allows a computer to select a test-taker's next question based on how they have fared on previous questions. It can be tempting to try to deduce how you're doing by the perceived difficulty of each question, but doing so will only distract you from the item in front of you. Instead, your instructor can share proven test-taking tips to help you focus exclusively on the item in front of you.

Every course we offer entails a group of like-minded students meeting with an instructor on our exclusive Live Learning Platform. While our competitors expect you to commute to a regular class, our digital classroom leverages handy features such as video chat capability and a virtual whiteboard to bring face-to-face instruction to you. You, your teacher, and the other students can all see and hear each other, so asking for help is as easy as raising your hand.

You can also interact with your peers on our Live Learning Platform, adding an extra dimension to your test prep experience. If you're having a hard time with the proper procedure for labeling samples on the Phlebotomy Technician exam (PBT), one of your classmates may know a great memorization trick to help you out. Similarly, you can try explaining the concepts of the Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) test to one of your new friends to help them out. Your instructor can even assign group projects to encourage you to explore perspectives besides your own for a more dynamic study experience.

We understand how hard it is to juggle your professional life as a medical technician with your personal life, so we make our services as accessible as possible. We offer both two-week and four-week class options to help you find something that works for you. New classes also start on a monthly basis, ensuring that you never need to wait too long before getting started.

Varsity Tutors can enroll you in a Virginia Beach ASCP certification class, but it's up to you to get the process started. Contact us using the information provided below to learn more about the services we provide!

ASCP Certifications

  • Phlebotomy Technician (PBT)
  • Donor Phlebotomy Technician (DPT)
  • Histotechnician (HT)
  • Medical Laboratory Assistant (MLA)
  • Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT)
  • Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS)
  • Cytotechnologist (CT)
  • Histotechnologist (HTL)
  • Technologist in Blood Banking (BB)
  • Technologist in Chemistry (C)
  • Technologist in Cytogenetics (CG)
  • Technologist in Hematology (H)
  • Technologist in Microbiology (M)
  • Technologist in Molecular Biology (MB)
  • Specialist in Blood Banking (SBB)
  • Specialist in Chemistry (SC)
  • Specialist in Cytotechnology (SCT)
  • Specialist in Cytometry (SCYM)
  • Specialist in Hematology (SH)
  • Specialist in Microbiology (SM)
  • Specialist in Molecular Biology (SMB)
  • Pathologists' Assistant (PA)
  • Diplomate in Laboratory Management (DLM)

Contact us today to connect with a top Virginia Beach ASCP Board of Certification - American Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Certification instructor