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Turning Challenges into Triumphs

I'm Kimberley Blue, and my mission is to inspire authentic leadership in people and create meaningful connections, all while advocating for people, I had learning challenges when I was younger and I had to find innovative ways to learn and retain information.

I'm passionate about helping people thrivenot just in their careers but in their lives. With a unique background in conflict resolution, HR strategy, and veteran support, I've seen firsthand the transformative power of empathy, clear communication, and strong leadership.

But my story isn't a straight path. Like many, I've faced challengesboth personally and professionally. These experiences have fueled my commitment to make a difference in the lives of others. I'm driven by a vision: to create a world where people not only succeed in their current goals, but also find purpose.
I seek to help other take ownership of their journey and every individual has the tools to unlock their full potential.

Failure is not an option! We can make it together!

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Kimberley’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Liberty University - Bachelor of Science, Psychology


spending time with the kids and grandkids, On the road with Athena my German shepherd, Hiking, camping, fishing, horseback riding, and I LOVE music.

Tutoring Subjects

Academic Coaching


Adult Literacy



Business Analytics

Business Ethics

Business Writing

Civil Procedure

College and University Admissions

College Application Essays

College Business

Corporate Finance

Cost Analysis

Data Analysis

Elementary School English

Elementary School Reading


English Grammar and Syntax

Executive Functioning

Financial Accounting


High School Business

High School Geography

High School Level American History

High School World History


Human Resources


Learning Differences

Legal Research


Management Information Systems

Managerial Accounting



Middle School English

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension


Personal Finance


Presentation Skills

Public Speaking


Social Studies

Special Education

Spelling Bee

Study Skills

Supply Chain Management

US Constitutional History

World Civilization

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