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A photo of Rahul, a tutor from University of Mumbai


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I strongly believe that a great tutor is a good student. Every tutoring session is a great opportunity for the tutor to facilitate fruitful engagement with students to enable exchange of information and insights. Each session should create an experience that both the tutor and students find valuable.
I am a strong believer and a passionate practitioner of Servant Leadership. I have used this leadership model in all my coaching, tutoring, and mentoring activities over the past two decades. I have coached and taught on topics related to Business, Leadership, Project/Program Management, Relationship Building, Collaboration, Creativity, Strategy, Business Ethics, Customer Relationship Management, Communication, Marketing, Sales, and Diversity Equity & Inclusion (DE&I).

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Rahul’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Mumbai - Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering Technology

Degree: University of Mumbai - Master's/Graduate, Marketing & Operations


Music, singing, traveling, hiking, astronomy, networking, mentoring/coaching

Tutoring Subjects


Business Ethics

Business Writing


Creative Writing

Data Analysis

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing


Essay Editing


Executive Functioning

Human Resources

Learning Differences



Middle School Reading

Middle School Science

Middle School Writing


Professional Certifications



Social Sciences

Supply Chain Management

Technical Writing


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