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A photo of Mihir, a tutor from University of Massachusetts at Amherst


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Welcome! My name is Mihir. I have a BS in Mechanical Engineering from UMass Amherst. I know that engineering topics can be hard to grasp, so my goal is to explain topics in a way that's a bit more relatable. My teaching style combines giving an intuitive explanation of the subject and a few cartoons thrown in to reduce the monotony of tons of equations. I offer one on one sessions for the following subjects: College/AP math, physics, statics and dynamics, mechanics of materials, thermo, fluids, and heat transfer and MATLAB. For the first session, I usually go over a few homework problems in detail to identify knowledge gaps and work from there.

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Mihir’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Massachusetts at Amherst - Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering


Soccer, tennis, dance, chess, rap

Tutoring Subjects


Engineering Economics

Fluid Dynamics

Heat Transfer


Mechanical Engineering


Statics and Dynamics

Technology and Coding


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