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A photo of John Moore IV, a tutor from Middle Tennessee State University

John Moore IV

Certified Tutor

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Former Staff Tutor for a Community College Writing and tutoring Center

I tutor most math courses (from Basic Math to Differential Equations), statistics, Physics, and Essay writing. I was just certified to tutor for varsity, and I will be adding other subjects as I become more familiar with this platform.

About me: CompTIA Data+ CE Certified Data Analyst and Engineering Science (Engineering Physics) graduate student. I have a Bachelor of Science degree, and I have completed Graduate Coursework in Physics, Physics Math, Statistical Mechanics, Electrical Engineering, and Aerospace Engineering.

A good tutor should be able to take the seemingly complex, and break it down into its constituent components, so that anyone can understand it.

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John Moore IV’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Middle Tennessee State University - Bachelor of Science, Liberal Arts and Sciences


Kick Boxing/Martial Arts, Audiobooks, Reading, Writing, Movies, Volunteering, Astronomy, Rowing/Canoeing/Kayaking

Tutoring Subjects

AP Physics 2

College English


Physical Science


Physics 2


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