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A photo of Adrienne, a tutor from University of Rochester


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I earned my bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) at the University of Southern Maine, Portland, Maine, my masters of science in nursing (MSN) with preparation as a pediatric nurse practitioner from the University of Rochester, NY. I completed a post masters certification course in evidence-based practice from Arizona State in Phoenix, AZ, and my PhD in nursing research from the University of Kansas, Kansas City, KS. I was employed by Texas A and University-Corpus Christi for four years teaching graduate and undergraduate pathophysiology, undergraduate care of children and families, and research. I was nominated and completed a one year course in effective teaching methods (ACUE) and have mentored students with projects and exam preparation.

My teaching philosophy is "effort will equal success" and my role is to support students as they reach their goals. You might wonder why someone with a PhD in nursing is tutoring? I enjoy teaching and I thrive on teaching critical thinking and test taking skills. I will be working as a clinician (pediatric nurse practitioner) and would like to keep in touch with academia. I am a quantitative researcher and love numbers.

For the undergrad nursing students, I am ready to prepare you for the new NCLEX. My expertise is science and pediatric healthcare.

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Adrienne’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: University of Rochester - Master in Public Health, Nursing (RN)

Graduate Degree: University of Kansas - Doctor of Philosophy, Nursing (RN)


Interests: love research, numbers, facts, and a good bit of humor. I love to ride bike trails, cross country ski, garden, and play with my labs (a lot).

Tutoring Subjects

AANP - American Association of Nurse Practitioners

Dissertation Writing





NCLEX-Practical Nurse

NCLEX-Registed Nurse



PNCB - Pediatric Nursing Certification Board

Professional Certifications

Thesis Writing


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