Certified Tutor
Undergraduate Degree: Abilene Christian University - Bachelor of Science, Education
I love spending time with my family. My husband and I have three children who are 28 (yes, they are triplets). We have two grandsons aged 2 and 1. I love reading books of all kinds. My favorites are Historical Fiction and Fantasy Fiction. My least favorites are Horror stories. (I tend to have nightmares.) I have read some graphic novels but generally do not choose those. I love playing games. I am not a cut throat player, I want to play games to have fun and learn things. I do enjoy the new games like the Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle where all players win or all players lose. I enjoy organizing events for small groups and I like to cook. I am not a great house keeper. I like to travel, but I have learned that big crowds make be nervous! (That may be an after effect of COVID.) I like to watch some sports and I enjoy going to live Theatre performances and concerts. I like all kinds of music except wild Rap and Jazz.
Elementary School
Elementary School English
Elementary School Math
Elementary School Reading
Elementary School Science
Elementary School Writing
Elementary Social Studies
Learning Differences
Middle School English
Middle School Reading
Middle School Reading Comprehension
Middle School Writing
Orton Gillingham Reading
Professional Certifications
Reading Intervention
Study Skills
Study Skills and Organization
TExES - Texas Examinations of Educator Standards