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A photo of Joseph, a tutor from Winston-Salem State University


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I would describe my teaching philosophy as fluid, adaptive and supportive. In my experience, students are very different and have varying needs. It is the responsibility of the educator to provide the environment that is conducive to the success of the student.

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Joseph’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Winston-Salem State University - Bachelor of Science, Accounting and Finance

Graduate Degree: Wake Forest University - Master of Science, Accounting and Finance

Graduate Degree: University of Memphis - Doctor of Philosophy, Accounting


Reading, Writing, & Traveling

Tutoring Subjects


College Business

Cost Accounting


CPA AUD - CPA Attestation and Auditing

CPA BEC - CPA Business Environment and Concepts

CPA FAR - CPA Financial Accounting and Reporting

CPA REG - CPA Regulation

Financial Accounting

Managerial Accounting

Professional Certifications

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