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A photo of Gina, a tutor from Hinds Community College


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I am a graduate of the renowned Portfolio Center Advertising and Design, Miami School of Art in Atlanta, GA. They are highly successful for placement of graduates with major national and international corporations plus advertising, art, design and photography industries.

I love photography and all aspects of art. It is the most beautiful expression of capturing life, light, culture, history and documentary of our paths. It allows an individual's creativity and outlet for emotional expression.

With my 20 plus years of experience producing and teaching photography and art, I have been privileged to share my knowledge and experience with many students as they pursue their education. Actively using hands on approaches and the individual students' interactions as we problem solve as a team to reach their goals.

I love the adventurous spirit that students have for life and learning. Their personal and individual creativity and voice for interacting with this world and life. Watching their minds mature and achieve the next level of improvement. I want to give back what I have learned and spread the knowledge to achieve their goals. It is a sheer joy to watch a student that is trying to find their direction, visualize their goals, put them in action and achieve a result in which they are proud.

In my spare time, I enjoy photography, spending time with my family and friends plus my two puppies, walking and hiking in nature, working with charities, travel and cooking.

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Gina’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Hinds Community College - Associate in Arts, Marketing

Graduate Degree: Portfolio Center - Certificate, Commercial Photography


I enjoy photography, spending time with my family and friends plus my two puppies, walking and hiking in nature, working with charities, travel and cooking.

Tutoring Subjects


Ancient and Medieval Heritage


Art Hour




Elementary Reading and Phonics Class

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing

Elementary Social Studies



European History

Executive Functioning

Fine Arts

Graphic Design


High School Business


IB Visual Arts


Learning Differences


Middle School

Middle School English

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Science

Middle School Social Studies







Social Sciences

Social Studies



Special Education

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Technology and Coding

Visual Arts

World Civilization


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