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A photo of Dana-Marie, a tutor from Community College of Rhode Island


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Hello, I am an experienced Registered Nurse with a demonstrated history of working in the nursing academic, administrative, acute care hospital, out-patient surgical, and behavioral health care environments. My nursing career has spanned multiple care environments. I am currently employed as a Nursing Program/Advanced Practice Manager, and I am a graduate of a Nurse Educator Program.

Assistant Professor of Nursing: Fundamental Practice (clinical/didactic) and Pharmacology.

Direct Care Nursing Experience: neurosurgical critical care, vascular interventional radiology, medical-surgical, ambulatory and inpatient pre/post anesthesia care settings

Patient Quality & Safety

Georgetown University: Nursing Master of Science (MS) core in Nursing Education

Alumni Ambassador: Georgetown University School of Nursing and Health Studies.

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Dana-Marie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Community College of Rhode Island - Associate in Nursing, Nursing (RN)

Graduate Degree: Georgetown University - Master of Science, Nursing (RN)


I love cooking, spending time outdoors gardening, beach, bicycling, kayaking, and equestrian activities

Tutoring Subjects

Emergency Medicine

Health Care Administration

Health Care Policy





Professional Certifications

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