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A photo of Nicole, a tutor from Rutgers University-New Brunswick


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I graduated from Rutgers University with a BA in history and a minor in biology. What I really wanted to do was teach though, so after exhausting multiple options, I decided to bite the bullet and get my Masters in Education at Seton Hall. I love learning, and want all students to feel the way about education as I do- curiosity is an infectious condition! I am currently looking into pursuing my doctorate in education as well. There is a special place in my heart for history...don't you love seeing the cause and effect relationship of events across time and space?! However, science and math are right up there, too. I love the logic of math (I am an avid puzzle person), and I love how science just explains, well, EVERYTHING. Its amazing! I can also dabble in English because my mother is an English teacher and I have had grammar, editing and revising drilled into me for a very long time. My tutoring style lends itself to being more student directed. I will let the content that needs to be addressed dictate how we meet, and then I like to scaffold the concepts from there so that the student can really understand the content. I do not believe in just showing you something- I want you to understand the "why" behind it, too. I want everyone to succeed at what they are shooting for, be it academics itself, or whatever the next step is for that individual. We all deserve an opportunity to pursue our dreams, and a successful education that someone is personally invested in is an important part of that process.

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Nicole’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Rutgers University-New Brunswick - Bachelor in Arts, History

Graduate Degree: Seton Hall University - Master of Arts, Education


I love to read, play computer games, crochet, watch movies with my family, and play board games. I also enjoy doing yoga, reading up on chakras, essential oil uses and applications, running and walking outside, and just hanging out with my son. I used to play Ultimate Frisbee...I would love to get back into it!

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Science


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School Level American History

High School World History

High School Writing



Microsoft Office

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Science

Middle School Writing



Social Studies

Technology and Coding

World History

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