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A photo of Alicia, a tutor from Virginia Commonwealth University


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My HR career started in Operations Management where I discovered my passion for talent development. My goal is to increase the knowledge, skills, and abilities of those I work with to drive growth and profitability for organizations. I also have strengths in employee relations and training. My business acumen gives me insight in to what people capabilities to build that align with the mission of an organization, the goals and aspirations of the individual, that produce a positive impact to engagement and the bottom line.

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Alicia’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Virginia Commonwealth University - Bachelor of Science, Business Administration and Management

Graduate Degree: Walden University - Masters in Business Administration, Human Resources Management


An avid tennis fan

Tutoring Subjects

Professional Certifications

SHRM-CP - Society for Human Resource Management- Certified Professional

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