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A photo of Chet, a tutor from Ohio Wesleyan University


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Chet graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University in 1990. Having taught both in the classroom and online, he has worked as a Special Education teacher for almost 20 years. Chet has tutored all 4 of the major subject areas in high school including chemistry, physics, AP History, AP English, Algebra 2, and trigonometry. He has both taught ACT/SAT prep classes, as well as tutoring them for over 20 years.

Chet starting working working for a test prep company, tutoring test prep, after graduation in 1990. He continued tutoring ACT/SAT test prep as well as tutoring most high school classes at Townsend Learning Centers. He has worked with students from 8 to 40 years old and diverse backgrounds. He has also worked with students from all academic levels from gifted to special education. He not only reviews and improves students' academic skills but also focuses on test taking preparation and strategies. "I believe when students have many tools when approaching test questions, then students will have the confidence that they will get the correct answer and not get frustrated." His students enjoy his sense of humor and fun teaching style.

Having recently completed a 10-miler, Chet is an avid runner.
Chet is a passionate teacher who believes that any student can learn and improve academically.

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Chet’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Ohio Wesleyan University - Bachelor in Arts, History


I enjoy reading, especially science fiction and fantasy, as well as playing video games with my three daughters.

Tutoring Subjects

ACT Writing



Earth Science


Environmental Science

European History

Executive Functioning




High School Biology

High School English

High School Geography

High School Physics

High School Science

High School Writing


Learning Differences





SAT Subject Test in United States History

SAT Subject Tests Prep


Social Studies

Special Education

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Test Prep

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