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A photo of Carmen, a tutor from Western Governors Unviersity


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I believe that education is the core foundation in which educators can teach student the concepts of subject areas to succeed in the future. Education is one of the most key areas in a student's life. Education has shaped my own opinions and objective in why I want to become a successful educator. I always want my students to show respect towards themselves and others. I have set objectives to learn how each student will contribute to class and can determine strengths and weaknesses in each. This in turn can help me help them improve in all subjects. I will give students the freedom for creativity and have them take on responsibilities in the classroom. I am a firm believer that every student has the potential to succeed. Since I have always had this devotion and love for education I have discovered that this has helped me become a better teacher and will continue to grow in my area of expertise. I have an ability to connect with my students and find different ways to help their learning improve.

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Carmen’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Western Governors Unviersity - Bachelor in Arts, Education


dance, cheer, singing, writing, and reading, completing puzzle books

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing





Spelling Bee

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