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A photo of Georgia, a tutor from The University of Texas at Dallas


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Benjamin Franklin once said, ???Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.??? This quote sums up my teaching philosophy. Students need to be involved and allowed the time to struggle and learn. I can provide support, motivation and patience to the student, and not only an answer. I believe this is more important as it gives them confidence and study techniques instead of just the answer to the specific problem at hand.

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Georgia’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: The University of Texas at Dallas - Bachelors, Mathematics

Graduate Degree: University of Iowa - Masters, Mathematics


learning Greek language, reading, watching netflix, playing with my kids

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

Students at every level face traditional and personal challenges in learning. Effective teaching entails meeting the student where they are. To do this, the broad themes of ideas are first expressed to a class using several methods; such an approach addresses diverse styles of learning. More individual challenges are then met with small-scale discussions, hands-on activities, and one-on-one dialogue. Each student is different and each student should have an opportunity to achieve their potential.

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