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A photo of Mercedes, a tutor from Rice University


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Literature is my passion and has always been the focus of my studies, both in English and in Spanish. I attended Rice University in Houston, TX. Taking advantage of being fully bilingual (I was born and raised in Mexico City, but have been living in the U.S. for almost ten years now), I double-majored in English and in Hispanic Studies so that I could read and study Literature in both languages and from many different periods and countries. I also recently earned my M.A. degree focused on Modernist Literature from the University of Chicago.
I am currently a high school English teacher, and would be happy to help you improve your reading, writing, and/or public speaking skills. As a native Spanish-speaker, who has continued studying the language and its formal use, I can help you with the formal and informal use of the Spanish language and differentiating between the two, at any level.

Two of my goals as a tutor are:

1) Finding the best ways and environments in which each student learns. I believe everyone works differently and at a different pace. The key is to make learning entertaining, valuable, and useful for every student. I am definitely not a fan of “busy work,” but I am a fan of helpful and relevant practice (when necessary).
2) Always providing encouragement when it is well deserved and always reaffirming the student about their strengths with the purpose of building the student’s confidence, which I believe has a major impact on their learning.

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Mercedes’ Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Rice University - Bachelor in Arts, English, Hispanic Studies

Graduate Degree: University of Chicago - Master of Arts, Modernist Literature

State Certified Teacher


Reading, dancing, eating dessert, and hanging out in coffee shops!

Tutoring Subjects

AP Spanish Language & Culture

College English

College Essays

Comparative Literature

Conversational Spanish


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School English

IB Extended Essay

IB Language A: Literature

IB Language A: Literature HL

IB Language B

IB Language B HL




Public Speaking



Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4



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