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A photo of Aaron, a tutor from Washington University in St Louis


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I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Washington University in St. Louis with a BA in History. I also studied American Culture Studies and Psychology. I've been tutoring students of all ages and backgrounds for over seven years, working for organizations such as SCORE! Educational Centers, Northwestern University Center for Talent Development and Big Brothers Big Sisters. I'm comfortable with nearly all subject areas, particularly reading comprehension, writing, social studies and early math. You can expect plenty of humor in my tutoring sessions. I use it as an ice-breaker to build rapport with my students. I pride myself on being able to determine where problems lie and how best to tackle them. I rarely give students answers - I think it's my job to help them figure it out for themselves so they can do it again on their own. In my free time, I like to play tennis, see movies and write creative nonfiction. I plan on attending law school in the near future.

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Aaron’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Washington University in St Louis - Bachelor in Arts, History

Test Scores

ACT Composite: 31

ACT English: 34


Tennis, Creative Writing, Running, Cooking, Travel, Pop Culture, Spanish Culture

Tutoring Subjects

ACT English

ACT Reading

ACT Writing

College Computer Science

College English

College Essays

College Level American History

College World History

Comparative Literature

Computer Science


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

European History



High School Computer Science

High School English

High School Level American History

High School World History






SAT Writing and Language

Social Studies

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Technology and Coding

Test Prep

World History


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