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Award-Winning PHR - Professional in Human Resources Certification Training in Minneapolis, MN

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If you're studying for your PHR, Varsity Tutors can help through the Minneapolis PHR certification training we offer. Whether you've recently graduated from a school like the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities with your degree in human resources or you're already working as a human resources professional and want to advance your career, we provide classes taught by an expert instructor. There are many reasons that taking an online Professional in Human Resources certification course is better than just studying on your own for the test.

The instructor you'll be studying with has been vetted and interviewed so you can be certain they know what they're teaching and they have the communication skills necessary to pass their knowledge on to you and the other students in the class. We've done the work of making sure you're learning from somebody who has something real to offer, and you can take comfort in that.

There are plenty of HR professionals who want to increase their marketability within the field, so you don't need to study on your own. Instead, you can sign up for a Minneapolis PHR certification course that takes place online in a collaborative environment. Your class is led by a knowledgeable instructor who can offer in-depth lectures as well as holding class discussions that cover the breadth of material you'll find on the PHR exam. If you have questions about implementing or promoting specific benefits programs, you can let your class instructor know. This may prompt the kind of in-class discussion that could lead you and your classmates to a greater understanding of benefits programs.

Are you wondering what exactly can be covered in your Minneapolis PHR certification class? To start with, your instructor can go over the format of the exam with the class. For example, you are allowed up to 3 hours to complete the 25 pretest questions and 150 scored multiple-choice questions. This information is good to have, but even better, there are different ways your PHR teacher can help you get a feel for what the test is like. They may give you practice test sections with questions that simulate those that will be found on the exam.

If they do this, there are many benefits to you. For one, you can make sure your time management isn't going to cause you problems on test day. If you can't answer the questions at a pace that will allow you to complete all questions in time, your class can go over test-taking strategies that can improve your pace. If techniques your instructor teaches don't seem to be working, perhaps another student will share something that has worked for them and may just work well for you.

In addition, you might experience less anxiety than you otherwise might during the test because you will be familiar with the way it works. Since it's a computer-based exam, it may feel different than some other tests you've taken on paper, so having practiced may help you feel more comfortable when you walk into the testing center.

Because all Minneapolis PHR certification training takes place online, you don't have to worry about rushing through traffic to meet with your instructor. New two- and four-week class sections begin monthly at various times and days throughout the week. You'll have enough options that you should easily be able to fit one into your schedule, whether that means during your lunch break or before or after work, or even on the weekends.

To get signed up for Minneapolis PHR certification training, contact Varsity Tutors today. Our educational consultants can answer any questions you have and get you set up for a class that starts when you're ready.

Contact us today to connect with a top Minneapolis PHR - Professional in Human Resources instructor