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A photo of Darcie, a tutor from Illinois State University


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Hello future students and families !
My name is Teacher Darcie, and I can't wait to meet you! I have been a teacher for quite some time and hold a master's in reading as well as National Board as a reading interventionist, and I am both TESOL and TEFL certified. I strive to create a positive, nurturing, loving environment in which a strong bond develops between myself and the child. These two steps are critical in continuing to build a child's self-esteem which will eventually lead to risk-taking, critical thinking, and independence. I am enthusiastic, dedicated, positive, can "think outside the box", and teach to those "teachable moments." I am creative, patient, flexible, dependable, experienced, committed, and have a wealth of innovative ideas in my bag of "teacher tricks." Most of all, I am a teacher who loves her children . I will be here to guide your unique, special child in an engaging manner that matches your child's learning style, personality, and interests ! I am looking forward to meeting with you soon ! All my love and blessings, Teacher Darcie

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Darcie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Illinois State University - Bachelor of Education, Elementary School Teaching

Graduate Degree: Western Illinois University - Masters in Education, Reading Teacher Education


It is teaching that is my passion. As a very young child, school intimidated me. I came from a poor family, therefore, both other children and even teachers ignored me or made fun of me. At a very young age, I knew that I would become a primary teacher so that NO other child would ever feel the fear, anxiety, and distrust that I did. I love decorating, gardening, writing poetry, baking, and of course, reading books!

Tutoring Subjects

Certified Reading Intervention

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing



Learning Differences




Reading Intervention


Special Education

Test Prep



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