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Understanding the world around us opens up so many doors, its a shame that learning has developed a reputation of being not fun. When students learn how to harness a difficult concept, questions are answered and new ones are discovered. I have studied motivation in educational contexts and have held various teaching/mentoring roles. Having graduated 1st in my class with a Masters degree, I know what it takes to succeed in academic settings. It is effort, not innate ability, that makes people excel. I try to put forth this effort and learn in all areas of my life, including my hobbies like cooking, skiing, hiking, and reading.

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Claudia’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Reed College - Bachelors, Psychology

Graduate Degree: Bournemouth University - Masters, Forensic and Neuropsychological Perspectives in Face Processing

Test Scores

GRE Quantitative: 159

GRE Verbal: 158


Learning, skiing, hiking, reading, cooking

Tutoring Subjects

ACT Science


AP Statistics



Business Statistics

Clinical Psychology



High School Biology

Life Sciences


Microsoft Excel





Public Speaking

SAT Prep

SAT Reading


Social Sciences


Statistics Graduate Level

Technology and Coding

Test Prep

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

When a student knows how to ask the right questions and harness the tools available to answer those questions, they naturally become an independent learner. I aim to help each student to be able to learn and find answers in any part of life that interests them.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

In a first session, I want to get an idea of what the student's priorities and goals are. Key questions include where are they struggling and how will we quantify progress. The first session is also used to determine the student's learning style and how much time should be allotted to homework help, practice problems, or special projects by default.

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