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A photo of Brigette, a tutor from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


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Teaching has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. I am currently a senior at the University of Illinois and am majoring in elementary education; my concentration is language arts. In December, I will be certified to teach kindergarten through eighth grade. This summer and fall I will be continuing my education to receive educational endorsements in middle school, mathematics, social studies, and science. Up until this point, I have experienced teaching students of various ages in many different settings. Beginning in high school, I had my first placement in a third grade classroom in a suburb of Chicago, which solidified my decision to become a teacher. Soon after, I continued my education in college with the desire to eventually obtain a teaching license. In college, I have experienced four field placements in kindergarten, first, third, and fourth grades. I have also completed observation hours at Wredling Middle School in St. Charles. Each of those experiences allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of how to meet the needs of all learners. I recently passed the Education Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA), and simultaneously completed student teaching in a third grade classroom in Danville, IL. The school as a whole is very financially and racially diverse, and I believe it is my most important placement yet for those reasons. Learning about the different cultures, backgrounds, interests, and needs of my students is allowing me to provide instruction in a more meaningful way. Outside of the classroom, I communicated with the families of my students and provided ways in which they are able to further assist their children. I am thrilled to bring the knowledge from my experiences working with students and their families into tutoring. Giving students one-on-one instruction can be extremely beneficial to their overall academic success.

Outside of tutoring, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I have five sisters and three brothers, some of which are half and step siblings. Having a large family has given me a lot of patience, which has helped me in my career thus far. I also love to exercise. When I was in fifth grade I began gymnastics. I competed all-around throughout my middle school and high school years. My favorite events were bars and floor. Although I have many interests and hobbies outside of tutoring, most of my time is spent teaching. I am excited to get to know you and assist you in any way I can!

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Brigette’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Current Undergrad, Elementary Education


Gymnastics, Exercising

Tutoring Subjects

College English

Comparative Literature

Elementary Math

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing


High School English

Homework Support



Middle School Math





Special Education


Test Prep


Q & A

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

In the first session, I would begin by getting to know my student personally by asking them questions about their interests. I have found from experience that students have fun learning and take in more information when their interests are tied with the content. After introductions, I find it important to discuss their goals, if any, or assist them in setting goals for our tutoring sessions. When students have something to work towards and successfully complete their goals, they tend to feel a greater sense of accomplishment. Goals also help guide sessions, so we are able to stay on track and maximize learning. When we have reviewed their reasons for seeking out a tutor, I would ask about their curriculum and standards (Common Core State Standards, etc.) that their school follows. They will then be able to tie what they have been learning in our session to how they are learning in the classroom. Depending on how long the student would like their first session to be, I would begin by assisting the student with the content area in which they would like to further their learning in. Resources will be reviewed and recommended at that time.

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