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A photo of Hannah, a tutor from University of Colorado Boulder


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I am currently a third year dental student at the CU Dental School and I would one day love to become a Pediatric dentist! I absolutely love working with kids and I think that becoming a teacher/tutor can be a valuable tool to one day use in my practice. Although I have a strong background in math and science, I also love to read and even dabble in some Spanish. I can work with all age groups and I think every student can teach me something as well! Learning how to relate to kids and giving them insight on how to solve problems can be very rewarding!

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Hannah’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Colorado Boulder - Bachelors, Integrative Physiology

Graduate Degree: University of Colorado Denver - Current Grad Student, School of Dental Medicine


Running, hanging out with friends and family, reading, traveling to warm places!

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

I think in order to teach, I have to learn about the student's background knowledge and any fears/anxiety that may be associated with the subject. My job is to start with the basics, form a relationship, and instill some confidence in the student to then proceed into solving problems.

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