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A photo of Brandon, a tutor from Michigan State University


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I graduated with honors from Michigan State University in 2006, receiving a BA in History with cognates in Math and Physics. I had the opportunity to travel extensively through western Europe as an undergraduate student, and I participated in a semester-long study abroad program in the United Kingdom. These experiences led me to pursue graduate studies abroad in Ireland, and I received my MA in History from University College, Cork in 2007. While preparing my applications to doctoral programs in the U.S. and Canada, I had the opportunity to work as a long-term substitute teacher, teaching Algebra at an alternative high school in Flint, MI. In the summer of 2008 I was asked by the same high school to stay on for their summer school program, where I taught 6-8th grade math. I took up a graduate scholarship with the Department of History at the University of Toronto the next autumn. I passed my comprehensive exams on schedule in May of 2010, and began the long, arduous, but rewarding process of researching for my dissertation. I have taught at both the secondary and college levels, and I have taught a variety of subjects and skills from math to history, and from critical reading and writing to the basics of footnoting and compiling bibliographies . These teaching opportunities have provided me with considerable experience in planning, organizing and presenting educational programming. They have also given me the opportunity to guide, and to work closely with young scholars and learners from a variety of backgrounds. I firmly believe that the importance of education as well as the key to a successful academic career is the ability to learn 'how to learn'. In other words, rather than simply memorizing and demonstrating content, I believe that recognizing and mastering one's own unique process(es) of learning is the most important outcome of learning. For this reason, I try not only to present learning as a challenging but fun exercise, but also as an exploration of each student's strengths, interests and capabilities. Apart from my continued fascination with all things 'history', I enjoy reading (especially satire), traveling (especially on trains), and watching (but never performing!) stand-up comedy.

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Brandon’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Michigan State University - Bachelor in Arts, History

Graduate Degree: University of Toronto - PHD, History


history, reading, travel

Tutoring Subjects

ACT English

ACT Reading

ACT Writing


AP Comparative Government and Politics

AP European History

AP U.S. Government & Politics

AP United States History

AP US Government

AP US History

AP World History

College English

College Essays

College Level American History

Comparative Literature


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

European History


High School English

High School Level American History

High School World History





Public Speaking


Social Studies

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Test Prep

US Constitutional History

US History

World History


Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

I firmly believe that the importance of education -- as well as the key to a successful academic career -- is the ability to learn 'how to learn.' In other words, rather than simply memorizing and demonstrating content, I believe that recognizing and mastering one's own unique process(es) of learning is the most important outcome of learning. For this reason, I try not only to present learning as a challenging but fun exercise but also as an exploration of each student's strengths, interests, and capabilities.

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